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Displaying results 1–25
Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa
David Livingstone
Through South Africa
Henry M. Stanley
The African Colony: Studies in the Reconstruction
John Buchan
South African Memories
Lady Sarah Isabella Augusta Wilson
An African Adventure
Isaac Frederick Marcosson
Impressions of South Africa
Viscount James Bryce Bryce
A Winter Tour in South Africa
Frederick Young
Seven years in South Africa, volume 1 (of 2) : travels, researches, and hunting adventures, between the diamond fields and the Zambesi (1872-79)
Emil Holub
Como eu atravessei Àfrica do Atlantico ao mar Indico, volume segundo (Portuguese)
Alexandre Alberto da Rocha de Serpa Pinto
Sieben Jahre in Süd-Afrika. Erster Band.
Emil Holub
Como eu atravessei Àfrica do Atlantico ao mar Indico, volume primeiro (Portuguese)
Alexandre Alberto da Rocha de Serpa Pinto
Yankee Girls in Zulu Land
Louise Vescelius Sheldon
The glamour of prospecting : wanderings of a South African prospector in search of copper, gold, emeralds, and diamonds
Fred C. Cornell
Lake Ngami : or, Explorations and discoveries during four years' wanderings in the wilds of southwestern Africa
Charles John Andersson
The Ruined Cities of Zululand
Hugh Mulleneux Walmsley
Seven years in South Africa, volume 2 (of 2) : travels, researches, and hunting adventures, between the diamond fields and the Zambesi (1872-79)
Emil Holub
Sporting Scenes amongst the Kaffirs of South Africa
Alfred W. Drayson
South Africa; vol I.
Anthony Trollope
Sieben Jahre in Süd-Afrika. Zweiter Band.
Emil Holub
The Boer in Peace and War
Arthur M. Mann
Incwadi Yami; or, twenty years' personal experience in South Africa
J. W. Matthews
Lodges in the Wilderness
W. C. Scully
Life in South Africa
Lady Barker
Een en ander over het dorpsleven in Transvaal (Dutch)
Reminiscences of a South African Pioneer
W. C. Scully
Displaying results 1–25