Books about English poetry -- 20th century (sorted alphabetically)
London Sonnets Humbert Wolfe
Love Poems and Others D. H. Lawrence
Marlborough, and Other Poems Charles Hamilton Sorley
Mice & Other Poems Gerald Bullett
Miscellany of Poetry
Modern British Poetry
Motley, and other poems Walter De la Mare
New Poetry: An Anthology
October, and Other Poems; with Occasional Verses on the War Robert Bridges
Orchard and Vineyard V. Sackville-West
Out of the Flame Osbert Sitwell
Over the Brazier Robert Graves
Oxford poetry, 1917
Oxford poetry, 1918
Oxford poetry, 1919
Oxford poetry, 1920
Oxford poetry, 1921
Pan-Worship, and Other Poems Eleanor Farjeon
Picture-Show Siegfried Sassoon
Pier-Glass Robert Graves
Pixies' Plot Eden Phillpotts
Poems Cushag
Poems Theodore Maynard
Poems Iris Tree
Poems Edward Shanks