Books about Mystery fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The Moonstone Wilkie Collins 3004 downloads
The Big Four Agatha Christie 1463 downloads
The Mystery of Edwin Drood Charles Dickens 1213 downloads
Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty Charles Dickens 997 downloads
The Racer boys on the prairies : The treasure of Golden Peak Clarence Young 909 downloads
Carolyn of the sunny heart Ruth Belmore Endicott 826 downloads
The Girl Next Door Augusta Huiell Seaman 642 downloads
The String of Pearls; Or, The Barber of Fleet Street. A Domestic Romance. Thomas Peckett Prest and James Malcolm Rymer 563 downloads
Manalive G. K. Chesterton 549 downloads
The Samurai Strategy Thomas Hoover 519 downloads
The Law and the Lady Wilkie Collins 491 downloads
After Dark Wilkie Collins 488 downloads
Tom Sawyer, Detective Mark Twain 459 downloads
Doors of the Night Frank L. Packard 435 downloads
The Circular Staircase Mary Roberts Rinehart 433 downloads
The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu Sax Rohmer 426 downloads
In Her Own Right John Reed Scott 408 downloads
The Wrong Box Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne 388 downloads
File No. 113 Emile Gaboriau 383 downloads
"I Say No" Wilkie Collins 365 downloads
The Oakdale Affair Edgar Rice Burroughs 351 downloads
The Terror: A Mystery Arthur Machen 343 downloads
The Silent Barrier Louis Tracy 341 downloads
A Poor Wise Man Mary Roberts Rinehart 338 downloads
Clara Vaughan, Volume 2 (of 3) R. D. Blackmore 320 downloads
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