The sailor's home : Or, the girdle of truth
A. L. O. E.
Making the Nine
Albertus T. Dudley
Wings and Stings: A Tale for the Young
A. L. O. E.
The Unseen Hand; or, James Renfew and His Boy Helpers
Elijah Kellogg
Teddy and Carrots: Two Merchants of Newpaper Row
James Otis
The Telegraph Messenger Boy; Or, The Straight Road to Success
Edward Sylvester Ellis
Weatherby's Inning: A Story of College Life and Baseball
Ralph Henry Barbour
Her Benny: A Story of Street Life
Silas K. Hocking
Adrift in the City; or, Oliver Conrad's Plucky Fight
Jr. Horatio Alger
Mark Mason's Victory
Jr. Horatio Alger
Baseball Joe in the World Series; or, Pitching for the Championship
Lester Chadwick
The Boy Broker; Or, Among the Kings of Wall Street
Frank Andrew Munsey
Campmates: A Story of the Plains
Kirk Munroe
The golden rule
Madeline Leslie
Under Orders: The story of a young reporter
Kirk Munroe
Baseball Joe, Captain of the Team; or, Bitter Struggles on the Diamond
Lester Chadwick
My Uncle Florimond
Henry Harland
A Struggle for a Fortune
Harry Castlemon
From ploughshare to pulpit : A tale of the battle of life
Gordon Stables
Baseball Joe in the Central League; or, Making Good as a Professional Pitcher
Lester Chadwick
Helen Ford
Jr. Horatio Alger
Under the Polar Star; or, The Young Explorers
Dwight Weldon
Charlie Bell, The Waif of Elm Island
Elijah Kellogg
The boy who never lost a chance
Annette Lyster
Charlie Codman's Cruise: A Story for Boys
Jr. Horatio Alger