by Twain, Mark
by Beck, Charles
by McKenty, Jack
by Ellis, Edward Sylvester
by Fowler, Nathaniel C. (Nathaniel Clark)
by Hathaway, Benjamin Adams
by Rachinskii, Sergei Aleksandrovich
by Dodge, Natt N. (Natt Noyes)
by Millard, Max
by Blot, Pierre
by Compton, D. A.
by Sinclair, Upton
by Lever Brothers Company
by Lever Brothers Company
by Allen, E. P. S.
by Rogers, Robert M.
by Crocker, Betty
by Caunter, John Alan Lyde
by Gaboriau, Emile
by Forte, Arnaldo
by Whitlock, Brand
1492 (English)
by Johnston, Mary
by Aandahl, Vance
by Twain, Mark
by Schrader, Frederick Franklin
by Grose, Francis
by Rellstab, Ludwig
by Vereshchagin, Vasilïĭ Vasilʹevich
by Panzini, Alfredo
by Blanche, August
by Berkebile, Donald H.
by Delannoy, Burford
by Lockwood, Ingersoll
by Grautoff, Ferdinand Heinrich
1914 (English)
by French, John Denton Pinkstone, Earl of Ypres
by Brooke, Rupert
by Newhall, Margaret Louise
by Hartshorne, Henry
by Collins, John
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Bureau of the Census
by United States. Bureau of the Census
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by Verne, Jules
by Verne, Jules
by Verne, Jules
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by United States. Central Intelligence Agency
by Girondo, Oliverio
21 (English)
by Crane, Frank
by Holman, T. W.
by Starr, N. D.
by Ward, Fred W.
by Simonsen, S.
by Winther, Christian
by Leino, Kasimir
by Collett, Herbert Brayley
by Vonnegut, Kurt
by Losey's Orchestra
by Twain, Mark
by Twain, Mark
by Beeks, James C.
by Wells, H. G. (Herbert George)
by McGibeny, Donald
by Slowinski, David
by Pessoa, Fernando
by Unknown
by Anonymous
by Anonymous
by Greenaway, Kate
by Freas, Kelly
by Holum, Lee B.
by Lebert, Marie
by Lebert, Marie
by Lebert, Marie
by Jameson, Malcolm
by Waldeyer, Graph
by Hamilton, Ian
by Thomas, Bert
by Various
by Frick, Joseph
by American Dairy Association
by Lucerne Foods
by Hough, Emerson
by Keller, Arthur Ignatius
by Dudley Ward, C. H. (Charles Humble)
by Horne, Henry
by Chamberlain, Henry Richardson
by Mirbeau, Octave
by Burns
by Leiber, Fritz
by Green, Anna Katharine
813 (English)
by Leblanc, Maurice
813 (English)
by Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander
by Hämeen-Anttila, Väinö
by Leblanc, Maurice
by Anonymous
by Kellermann, Bernhard
by Haïdar, Alaeddine
by Frich, Øvre Richter
by Korjula, J. V.
by Kurikka, Matti
by Stendhal
by Kuylenstierna-Wenster, Elisabeth
by Østergaard, Vilhelm
by Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham
by Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham
by Zupitza, Julius
by Zupitza, Julius
by Maine J. P.
by Taylor, Edward Fairfax
by Virgil
by Douglas, Gawin
by Virgil
by Morris, William
by Virgil
by Aeschylus
by Plumptre, E. H. (Edward Hayes)
by Taplin, William
by Aesop
by Robinson, Charles
by Aesop
by Bull, Charles Livingston
by Stickney, J. H. (Jenny H.)
by Aesop
by Croxall, Samuel
by Ainslie, Douglas
by Croce, Benedetto
by Borchardt, Ludwig
by Bierwirth, H. C. (Heinrich Conrad)
by Bierwirth, H. C. (Heinrich Conrad)
by Herrick, Asbury Haven
by Herrick, Asbury Haven
by Coelho, José Ramos
Äiti (Finnish)
by Benedictsson, Victoria
Äiti (Finnish)
by Gorky, Maksim
Äiti (Finnish)
by Kunnas, Hanna
Äiti (Finnish)
by Lundegård, Axel
by Anonymous
by Wenzel, J. G.
by Hollo, J. A. (Juho Aukusti)
by Lie, Jonas
by Ambrus, Zoltán
by Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de
by Joutsen, O. A.
by Kolb, Annette
by Rolland, Romain
by Rolland, Romain
by Heidbrinck, Oswald
by Lorrain, Jean
by Becke, Louis
by Wraxall, Lascelles, Sir
by Janin, Jules Gabriel
by Johannot, Tony
by Roig i Raventós, Josep
by Macy, Jesse
by Baroja, Pío
by Vámbéry, Ármin
by Jókai, Mór
by Allais, Alphonse
by Babinet, M. (Jacques)
by Nadar, Félix
by Gárdonyi, Géza
by Michel, Ernest
by Michel, Ernest
by Engström, Albert
by De Mille, James
by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
by Mickle, Gary
by La Bruyère, Jean de
by Van Laun, Henri
by Bracco, Roberto
by Fleming, Thomas J.
by Aimard, Gustave
by Giraudoux, Jean
by Renard, Jules
by Bourget, Paul
by Benedek, Elek
by Benedek, Elek
by Durkheim, Émile
by Fauconnet, Paul
by Tyndale, Walter
by Maspero, G. (Gaston)
by Bródy, Sándor
by Kelen, Ferenc
by Schopenhauer, Arthur
by Jókai, Mór
by Jókai, Mór
by Andor, József
by Various
by Rodenbach, Georges
by Lermina, Jules
by Mercier de Compiègne, Claude-François-Xavier
by Mercier de Compiègne, Claude-François-Xavier
by Fiacchi, Antonio
by Guerrini, Olindo
by Majani, Augusto
by Trebbi, Oreste
by Cim, Albert
by Caruchet, Henri
by Gautier, Théophile
by Gautier, Théophile
by Jacquemart, Jules-Ferdinand
by Sénac de Meilhan, Gabriel
by Hahl, Jalmari
by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
by Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
by Steeg, Jules
by Worthington, Eleanor
by Bithell, Jethro
by Zweig, Stefan
by Vizetelly, Ernest Alfred
by Doré, Gustave
by Michel, Francisque
by Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron
by Haeckel, Ernst
by Jacob, P. L.
by Darien, Georges
by Baudelaire, Charles
by Poulet-Malassis, Auguste
by Rops, Félicien
by Maynard, François de
by Level, Maurice
by Fréchet, Maurice
by Heywood, H. Bryon (Horace Bryon)
by Zaccone, Pierre
by Fromentin, Eugène
by Heliodorus, of Emesa
by Quenneville, N.
by Delly
by Molière
by Ribaucour, Albert
by Rivière, Jacques
by Faguet, Émile
by Vinet, Alexandre Rodolphe
by Fagniez, Gustave
by Marty, Paul
by Salvert, François de
by Anglada, Charles
by Guizot, François
by Duval, Antoine
by Fouquart, de Cambray, maistre
by Jean, d'Arras, active 14th century
by Mansion, Colard, active 15th century
by Anonymous
by Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, Auguste, comte de
by Verne, Jules
by Chevalier, H. Emile (Henri Emile)
by France, Anatole
by Ulbach, Louis
by Otlet, Paul
by Verne, Jules
by Faucher de Saint-Maurice
Łąka (Polish)
by Leśmian, Bolesław
by Zola, Émile
by Musset, Alfred de
by Musset, Alfred de
by Musset, Alfred de
by Musset, Alfred de
by Musset, Alfred de
by Auguis, P. R. (Pierre René)
by Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas
by Auguis, P. R. (Pierre René)
by Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas
by Auguis, P. R. (Pierre René)
by Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas
by Auguis, P. R. (Pierre René)
by Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas
by Auguis, P. R. (Pierre René)
by Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas
by Villon, François
by Bastiat, Frédéric
by Paillottet, Prosper
by Bastiat, Frédéric
by Paillottet, Prosper
by Bastiat, Frédéric
by Paillottet, Prosper
by Bastiat, Frédéric
by Paillottet, Prosper
by Bastiat, Frédéric
by Paillottet, Prosper
by Bastiat, Frédéric
by Paillottet, Prosper
by Bastiat, Frédéric
by Paillottet, Prosper
by Flaubert, Gustave
by Flaubert, Gustave
by Flaubert, Gustave
by Flaubert, Gustave
by Flaubert, Gustave
by Flaubert, Gustave
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Maupassant, Guy de
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron
by Moore, Thomas
by Paris, Paulin
by Marmontel, Jean-François
by Verlaine, Paul
by Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
by Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury)
by Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
by Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury)
by Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
by Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury)
by Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
by Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury)
by Napoleon I, Emperor of the French
by Panckoucke, C. L. F. (Charles Louis Fleury)
by Corneille, Pierre
by Marty-Laveaux, Charles Joseph
by Corneille, Pierre
by Marty-Laveaux, Charles Joseph
by Corneille, Pierre
by Marty-Laveaux, Charles Joseph
by Corneille, Pierre
by Marty-Laveaux, Charles Joseph
by Corneille, Pierre
by Marty-Laveaux, Charles Joseph
by Corneille, Pierre
by Marty-Laveaux, Charles Joseph
by Corneille, Pierre
by Marty-Laveaux, Charles Joseph
by Sundén, Daniel Anton
by Mikszáth, Kálmán
by Gárdonyi, Géza
by Salten, Felix
by Jókai, Mór
by Omelka, František
by Buysse, Cyriel
by Prittwitz, M. von (Moritz)
by Gerland, Georg Karl Cornelius
by Kandinsky, Wassily
by Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich
by Edschmid, Kasimir
by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb von
by Aristotle
by Gudemann, Alfred
by Bohler, Otto
by Fischer, Friedrich Christoph Jonathan
by Brod, Max
by Kant, Immanuel
by Schopenhauer, Arthur
by Klees, Johann Georg
by Lie, Sophus
by Freud, Sigmund
by Ady, Endre
by Lorenc, František Vladimír
by Lorenc, František Vladimír
by Mickiewicz, Adam
by Mickiewicz, Adam
by Mickiewicz, Ladislas
by Mickiewicz, Ladislas
by Horowitz, Chaim M.
by Erter, Isaac
by Delacrut, Mattathias ben Solomon, active 16th century
by Gautier, of Metz, active 1245
by Voltaire
by Aeschylus
by Grypares, I. N. (Ioannes N.)
by Christovasilis, Christos
by Lampros, Paulos
by Valaorites, Aristoteles
by Aristotle
by Zervos, I. (Ioannes)
by Demetrakopoulos, Polyvios
by Euripides
by Tsokopoulos, George B.
by Polylas, Iakovos
by Shakespeare, William
by Vlachos, Angelos
by Euripides
by Tsokopoulos, George B.
by Economopoulos, Elias
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Chrestomanos, Konstantinos
by Sophocles
by Damiralis, Michael
by Shakespeare, William
by Chatzopoulos, Kostantinos
by Moraitides, Alexandros
by Plato
by Faltaits, Kostas
by Rhoides, Emmanouel D.
by Karkavitsas, Andreas
by Molière
by Polemes, Ioannes
by Anninos, Bampes
by Karolides, Paulos
by Karolides, Paulos
by Vyzantios, D. K. (Demetrios Konstantinou)
by Aristophanes
by Demetrakopoulos, Polyvios
by Marmontel, Jean-François
by Pangalos, Alexandros
by Aretas, Ioannis
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
by Ainian, Demetrios
by Farrar, F. W. (Frederic William)
by Papadiamantes, Alexandros
by Nirvanas, Paulos
by Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich
by Konstantinidis, Agathoklis
by Sukhovo-Kobylin, A. (Aleksandr)
by Karolides, Paulos
by Melas, Leon
by Theotokes, Konstantinos
by Virgil
by Golfis, Rigas
by Brugman, Karl
by Palles, Alexandros
by Papadiamantes, Alexandros
by Longus
by Voutierides, El. P. (Elias P.)
by Verne, Jules
by Brown, Francis
by Brown, Francis
by Bryennios, Philotheos
by Bryennios, Philotheos
by Hitchcock, Roswell D. (Roswell Dwight)
by Hitchcock, Roswell D. (Roswell Dwight)
by Karkavitsas, Andreas
by Rhoides, Emmanouel D.
by Vikelas, Demetrios
by Axiotes, Pan. (Panagiotes)
by Christovasilis, Christos
by Moraitides, Alexandros
by Moraitides, Alexandros
by Moraitides, Alexandros
by Moraitides, Alexandros
by Karkavitsas, Andreas
by Solomos, Dionysios
by Karolides, Paulos
by Polemes, Ioannes
by Theocritus
by Polemes, Ioannes
by Aristophanes
by Papantoniou, Ch.
by Kondylakes, Ioannes
by Aeschylus
by Grypares, I. N. (Ioannes N.)
by Krystalles, Kostas
by Krystalles, Kostas
by Lymperopoulos, A.
by Manesis, George D.
by Plato
by Grypares, I. N. (Ioannes N.)
by Harokopos, Aristeidis
by Plato
by Moraitides, Alexandros
by Plato
by Karolides, Paulos
by Aristotle
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Aristotle
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Euripides
by Tanagras, Angelos
by Flaubert, Gustave
by Simiriotis, S.
by Papadiamantes, Alexandros
by Palamas, Kostes
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Hatzigavriil, M.
by Wilde, Oscar
by Homer
by Palles, Alexandros
by Christopoulos, Athanasios
by Homer
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Herodotus
by Herodotus
by Stamatiades, Epameinondas I.
by Menardos, Simos
by Murray, Gilbert
by Trikoupes, Spyridon
by Trikoupes, Spyridon
by Trikoupes, Spyridon
by Trikoupes, Spyridon
by Eftaliotis, Argyris
by Euangelides, Tryphon E.
by Andreadis, Andreas
by Poe, Edgar Allan
by Spandones, N. (Nikolaos)
by Euripides
by Fragkias, Ioannis
by Chatzopoulos, Kostantinos
by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Ίων (Greek)
by Demetrakopoulos, Polyvios
Ίων (Greek)
by Euripides
by Alexandridis, Christos
by Deledda, Grazia
by Kotara, Lita
by Molière
by Polemes, Ioannes
by Chrestomanos, Konstantinos
by Marx, Karl
by Pareto, Vilfredo
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Harokopos, Aristeidis
by Konstantinidis, K. D.
by Plato
by Euripides
by Tsokopoulos, George B.
by Anastasopoulos, Demetrios
by Xenophon
by Anastasopoulos, Demetrios
by Xenophon
by Karkavitsas, Andreas
by Souris, Georgios
by Vikelas, Demetrios
by Kondylakes, Ioannes
by Lucian, of Samosata
by Kondylakes, Ioannes
by Lucian, of Samosata
by Kondylakes, Ioannes
by Lucian, of Samosata
by Kondylakes, Ioannes
by Lucian, of Samosata
by Kondylakes, Ioannes
by Lucian, of Samosata
by Karkavitsas, Andreas
by Kalvos, Andreas
by Martelaos, Antonios
by Tagore, Rabindranath
by Trikoglides, K.
by Aristophanes
by Demetrakopoulos, Polyvios
by Economopoulos, Elias
by Prévost, Marcel
by Eftaliotis, Argyris
by Shakespeare, William
by Vikelas, Demetrios
by Argyropoulos, K. P.
by Cottin, Madame (Sophie)
by Dragoumes, Ion
by Tankopoulos, Demetrios P.
by Plato
by Zervos, I. (Ioannes)
by Papantoniou, Ch.
by Plato
by Aristotle
by Gratsiatos, Paulos
by Aristotle
by Gratsiatos, Paulos
by Pasagiannes, Kostes G.
by Velaras, Ioannes
by Kampyses, Giannes
by Parren, Kalliroe
by Palles, Alexandros
by Greenhill, Thomas
by Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
by Chatziarapi, Anastasia
by Aristophanes
by Demetrakopoulos, Polyvios
by Aeschylus
by Grypares, I. N. (Ioannes N.)
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Papadiamantes, Alexandros
by Chatzopoulos, D.
by Rodokanakes, Platon
by Polemes, Ioannes
by Shakespeare, William
by Vikelas, Demetrios
by Sophocles
by Voutierides, El. P. (Elias P.)
by Kampanis, Aristos
by Sophocles
by Trikoglides, K.
by Kondylakes, Ioannes
by Homer
by Polylas, Iakovos
by Homer
by Polylas, Iakovos
by Homer
by Polylas, Iakovos
by Homer
by Polylas, Iakovos
by Doikas, Spiros
by Sangharakshita, Bhikshu
by Euripides
by Voutierides, El. P. (Elias P.)
by Aristophanes
by Demetrakopoulos, Polyvios
by Vyzantios, D. K. (Demetrios Konstantinou)
by Nirvanas, Paulos
by Karkavitsas, Andreas
by Rhoides, Emmanouel D.
by Andersen, H. C. (Hans Christian)
by Vikelas, Demetrios
by Delta, Penelope Stephanou
by Papadiamantes, Alexandros
by Kondylakes, Ioannes
by Krystalles, Kostas
by Papantoniou, Zacharias L.
by Thucydides
by Zervos, I. (Ioannes)
by Thucydides
by Zervos, I. (Ioannes)
by Thucydides
by Zervos, I. (Ioannes)
by Thucydides
by Zervos, I. (Ioannes)
by Papadiamantes, Alexandros
by Aristotle
by Gratsiatos, Paulos
by Aeschylus
by Zervos, I. (Ioannes)
by Plutarch
by Rankaves, Alexandros Rizos
by Plutarch
by Rankaves, Alexandros Rizos
by Plutarch
by Rankaves, Alexandros Rizos
by Velaras, Ioannes
by Souris, Georgios
by Souris, Georgios
by Vizyenos, G. M. (Georgios M.)
by Grypares, I. N. (Ioannes N.)
by Plato
by Grypares, I. N. (Ioannes N.)
by Plato
by Grypares, I. N. (Ioannes N.)
by Plato
by Grypares, I. N. (Ioannes N.)
by Plato
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Aeschylus
by Zervos, I. (Ioannes)
by Harokopos, Aristeidis
by Plato
by Kondylakes, Ioannes
by Papadiamantes, Alexandros
by Psicharis, Ioannis
by Psicharis, Ioannis
by Shakespeare, William
by Vikelas, Demetrios
by Shakespeare, William
by Vikelas, Demetrios
by Phermpos, Panagiotes I.
by Verne, Jules
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Marpoutzoglou, Alex G.
by Wilde, Oscar
by Kountouriotes, Nikolaos
by Plato
by Vrokines, Laurentios S.
by Rostand, Edmond
by Stratigis, George
by Rhoides, Emmanouel D.
by Gratsiatos, Paulos
by Plato
by Gratsiatos, Paulos
by Plato
by Chatzopoulos, Kostantinos
by Geijerstam, Gustaf af
by Bédier, Joseph
by Ventiris, Nikolaos
by Nirvanas, Paulos
by Psicharis, Ioannis
by Polylas, Iakovos
by Shakespeare, William
by Palamas, Kostes
by Chatzopoulos, Kostantinos
by Gounaris, K.
by Plato
by Harokopos, Aristeidis
by Plato
by Chatzopoulos, Kostantinos
by Plato
by Zambas, Kyriakos
by Vrailas-Armenes, Petros
by Papadiamantes, Alexandros
by Eftaliotis, Argyris
by Papadopoulou, Arsinoe
by Palamas, Kostes
by Aeschylus
by Grypares, I. N. (Ioannes N.)
by Papadiamantes, Alexandros
by Phlores, Kostas
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Tolstoy, Leo, graf
by Derzhavin, Gavriil Romanovich
by Slaveikov, Pencho P.
by Vazov, Ivan Minchov
by Various
by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
by Zujovic, Jovan
by Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
by Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich
by Stojan, Harry
by Apostol, P. N. (Pavel Natanovich)
by Arnshtam, Aleksandr Martinovich
by Lukomskii, G. K. (Georgii Kreskent'evich)
by Slaveikov, Pencho P.
by Karadžić, Vuk Stefanović
Свет (Serbian)
by Nušić, Branislav
by Ilić, Dragutin J.
by Botev, Khristo
by Ramamohan Rao, Mahidhara
by Ramamohan Rao, Mahidhara
by Ramamohan Rao, Mahidhara
by Ramamohan Rao, Mahidhara
by Ramamohan Rao, Mahidhara
by Ramamohan Rao, Mahidhara
一枕奇 (Chinese)
by Huayangsanren
三俠五義 (Chinese)
by Shi, Yukun, active 19th century
三國志 (Chinese)
by Chen, Shou
三國志 (Chinese)
by Pei, Songzhi
by Luo, Guanzhong
三字經 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
三字經 (Chinese)
by Wang, Yinglin
三略 (Chinese)
by Huang, Shigong, active 3rd century B.C.
下宿人 (Japanese)
by Hayashi, Kiyotoshi
下宿人 (Japanese)
by Lowndes, Marie Belloc
世說新語 (Chinese)
by Liu, Yiqing
by Wu, Jingsuo, active 16th century
by Lu, Xun
by Zhu, Xi
九命奇冤 (Chinese)
by Wu, Jianren
九命奇冤 (Chinese)
by Wu, Jianren
九尾狐 (Chinese)
by Pinghuazhuren
by Ling, Mengchu
by Ling, Mengchu
by Wu, Jianren
by Wu, Jianren
五孝傳 (Chinese)
by Tao, Qian
五色石 (Chinese)
by Wuseshizhuren, ju ren 1738
五鳳吟 (Chinese)
by Yunyangchichidaoren, active 17th century-18th century
人物志 (Chinese)
by Liu, Shao, active 3rd century
人間樂 (Chinese)
by Tianhuazangzhuren
人間詞話 (Chinese)
by Wang, Guowei
今古奇觀 (Chinese)
by Baowenglaoren
何典 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Nanzhuang
何處へ (Japanese)
by Masamune, Hakuchō
by Buddha
by Sanghavarman
俗話傾談 (Chinese)
by Shao, Binru
傳習錄 (Chinese)
by Wang, Yangming
傷寒論 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Zhongjing, active 168-196
儒林外史 (Chinese)
by Wu, Jingzi
by Wenkang, active 1842-1851
by Hayashi, Kiyotoshi
by Oppenheim, E. Phillips (Edward Phillips)
八段錦 (Chinese)
by Xingshijushi
公墓 (Chinese)
by Mu, Shiying
公孫龍子 (Chinese)
by Gongsun, Long, active 3rd century B.C.
六一詞 (Chinese)
by Ouyang, Xiu
六祖壇經 (Chinese)
by Huineng
六祖壇經 (Chinese)
by Shi, Fa-Hai
六韜 (Chinese)
by Lü, Shang
by Sunzi, active 6th century B.C.
出師表 (Chinese)
by Zhuge, Liang
分甘余話 (Chinese)
by Wang, Shizhen
列仙傳 (Chinese)
by Liu, Xiang
列仙傳 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Jinling
列女傳 (Chinese)
by Liu, Xiang
列子 (Chinese)
by Liezi, active 4th century B.C.
by Ling, Mengchu
刺靑 (Japanese)
by Tanizaki, Jun'ichiro
劍俠傳 (Chinese)
by Wang, Shizhen
北夢瑣言 (Chinese)
by Sun, Guangxian
千字文 (Chinese)
by Zhou, Xingsi
千字文 (Chinese)
by Zhou, Xingsi
千字文 (Chinese)
by Zhou, Xingsi
by Lu, Xun
南部新書 (Chinese)
by Qian, Yi, jin shi 999
友情 (Japanese)
by Mushanokoji, Saneatsu
古文觀止 (Chinese)
by Wu, Chengquan, active 1695-1711
古文觀止 (Chinese)
by Wu, Dazhi, active 1678-1695
by Xiao, Tong
史記 (Chinese)
by Sima, Qian
司馬法 (Chinese)
by Sima, Rangju, active 4th century B.C.
合浦珠 (Chinese)
by Yuanhuyanshuisanren, active 17th century-18th century
by Li, Yu
by Tiehuashanren
吳船錄 (Chinese)
by Fan, Chengda
吳越春秋 (Chinese)
by Zhao, Ye, active 40
吶喊 (Chinese)
by Lu, Xun
周禮 (Chinese)
by Zhou, Gong
周髀算經 (Chinese)
by Unknown
呻吟語 (Chinese)
by Lü, Kun
唐才子傳 (Chinese)
by Xin, Wenfang, active 13th century-14th century
by Hengtangtuishi
by Dongshanyunzhongdaoren
商君書 (Chinese)
by Shang, Yang
商子 (Chinese)
by Shang, Yang
by Tianzhuisheng
喻世明言 (Chinese)
by Feng, Menglong
國語 (Chinese)
by Zuoqiu, Ming
圍爐夜話 (Chinese)
by Wang, Yongbin
墨子 (Chinese)
by Mo, Di
by Xuan, Ding
夢中緣 (Chinese)
by Li, Xiuxing, jin shi 1715
夢溪筆談 (Chinese)
by Shen, Kuo
by Shen, Kuo
by Shen, Kuo
by Shen, Kuo
by Shen, Kuo
by Shen, Kuo
by Shen, Kuo
by Luo, Zhenyu
by Various
by Wang, Guowei
大唐新語 (Chinese)
by Liu, Su, active 806-820
by Zhu, Xi
by Huang, Qi You
by Lin, Yao Yu
天工開物 (Chinese)
by Song, Yingxing
天豹圖 (Chinese)
by An, Ping Qiu
天豹圖 (Chinese)
by Hou, Zhong Yi
天豹圖 (Chinese)
by Li, Tian Yi
天豹圖 (Chinese)
by Liu, Cun Ren
天豹圖 (Chinese)
by Li, Zhi Zhong
天豹圖 (Chinese)
by Unknown
奥の細道 (Japanese) 
by Matsuo, Bashō
好逑傳 (Chinese)
by Mingjiaozhongren
子不語 (Chinese)
by Yuan, Mei
孔叢子 (Chinese)
by Kong, Fu
by Unknown
孝經 (Chinese)
by Unknown
孟子 (Chinese)
by Mencius
by Dai, Zhen
孫子兵法 (Chinese)
by Sunzi, active 6th century B.C.
by Tang, Jingwu
孫子算經 (Chinese)
by Li, Chunfeng
孫子算經 (Chinese)
by Sunzi, approximately 5th century
孽海花 (Chinese)
by Zeng, Pu
安樂集 (Chinese)
by Daochuo
宋史 (Chinese)
by Tuotuo
by Li, Boyuan
by Li, Boyuan
by Li, Boyuan
定情人 (Chinese)
by Tianhuazangzhuren
宛如約 (Chinese)
by Xihuazhuren
by Feng, Yan, jin shi 756
封神演義 (Chinese)
by Lu, Xixing
尉繚子 (Chinese)
by Wei, Liao, active 4th century B.C.
by Luther, Martin
小爾雅 (Chinese)
by Kong, Fu
尹文子 (Chinese)
by Yin, Wen
山水小牘 (Chinese)
by Huangfu, Mei, active 873-910
山水情 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
山海經 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
左傳 (Chinese)
by Zuoqiu, Ming
巧聯珠 (Chinese)
by Yanxiayishi
常言道 (Chinese)
by Luopodaoren
平妖傳 (Chinese)
by Feng, Menglong
平妖傳 (Chinese)
by Luo, Guanzhong
平妖傳 (Chinese)
by Luo, Guanzhong
平山冷燕 (Chinese)
by Tianhuazangzhuren
幻中游 (Chinese)
by Yanxiazhuren, active 18th century
幼學瓊林 (Chinese)
by Cheng, Yunsheng
幽夢影 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Chao
幽夢影 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Chao
by Zhang, Chao
by Zhang, Chao
幽明錄 (Chinese)
by Genlin, Wang
幽明錄 (Chinese)
by Liu, Yiqing
幽閨記 (Chinese)
by Shi, Hui
幽霊書店 (Japanese)
by Hayashi, Kiyotoshi
幽霊書店 (Japanese)
by Morley, Christopher
庚巳編 (Chinese)
by Lu, Can
引鳳蕭 (Chinese)
by Banyunyou
弟子規 (Chinese)
by Li, Yuxiu, active 17th century-18th century
張載集 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Zai
彭公案 (Chinese)
by Tanmengdaoren
後西游記 (Chinese)
by Biao, Xuahua
by Xu, Hongzu
by Ming Xuanzong, Emperor of China
by Wei, Jiao
徬徨 (Chinese)
by Lu, Xun
快士傳 (Chinese)
by Wuseshizhuren, ju ren 1738
恨海 (Chinese)
by Wu, Jianren
情變 (Chinese)
by Wu, Jianren
惡魔 (Japanese)
by Tanizaki, Jun'ichiro
慎子 (Chinese)
by Shen, Dao
戲中戲 (Chinese)
by Aiyuezhuren
抱朴子 (Chinese)
by Ge, Hong
括異志 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Shizheng, active 11th century
拾遺記 (Chinese)
by Qi, Zhiping
拾遺記 (Chinese)
by Wang, Jia, active 4th century
拾遺記 (Chinese)
by Xiao, Qi
搜神後記 (Chinese)
by Tao, Qian
by Tao, Qian
搜神記 (Chinese)
by Gan, Bao, active 317-322
by Gan, Bao, active 317-322
by Gan, Bao, active 317-322
by Gan, Bao, active 317-322
by Gan, Bao, active 317-322
by Gan, Bao, active 317-322
by Wang, Tong
by Wang, Yun Wu
文子 (Chinese)
by Lu, Yi-Shin
文子 (Chinese)
by Shiung, Duen Sheng
文子 (Chinese)
by Unknown
文子 (Chinese)
by Xing, Jian
文心雕龍 (Chinese)
by Li, Jen-shing
文心雕龍 (Chinese)
by Liu, Xie
文心雕龍 (Chinese)
by Luo, Li-chian
文明小史 (Chinese)
by Li, Boyuan
by Various
斬鬼傳 (Chinese)
by Liu, Zhang
斬鬼傳 (Chinese)
by Liu, Zhang
新序 (Chinese)
by Liu, Xiang
by Su, Manshu
方言 (Chinese)
by Yang, Xiong
施公案 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
施公案 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
日知錄 (Chinese)
by Gu, Yanwu
by Huang, Zongxi
明月台 (Chinese)
by Weng, Gui
明皇雜錄 (Chinese)
by Zheng, Chuhui, jin shi 834
明鏡公案 (Chinese)
by Ge, Tianmin
明鏡公案 (Chinese)
by Unknown
明鏡公案 (Chinese)
by Wu, Peiquan
易經 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
星槎勝覽 (Chinese)
by Fei, Xin
星槎勝覽 (Chinese)
by Fei, Xin
春柳鶯 (Chinese)
by Nanbeiheguanshizhe
春秋繁露 (Chinese)
by Dong, Zhongshu, active 2nd century B.C.
春秋配 (Chinese)
by Unknown
by Chao, Yuezhi
朝花夕拾 (Chinese)
by Lu, Xun
朝野僉載 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Zhuo
by Anonymous
本草備要 (Chinese)
by Wang, Ang
by Zhu, Yongchun
李太白集 (Chinese)
by Li, Bai
李太白集 (Chinese)
by Li, Bai
李太白集 (Chinese)
by Xu, Ren Tu
李太白集 (Chinese)
by Xu, Ren Tu
李娃傳 (Chinese)
by Bai, Xingjian
by Li, Shangyin
李賀詩選 (Chinese)
by Li, He
杜陽雜編 (Chinese)
by Su, E, jin shi 886
杜騙新書 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Yingyu, active 16th century-17th century
by Meng, Yuanlao, active 1126-1147
by Feng, Menglong
東坡志林 (Chinese)
by Su, Shi
東坡樂府 (Chinese)
by Su, Shi
東度記 (Chinese)
by Qingxidaoren, active 17th century
枕中記 (Chinese)
by Shen, Jiji
桃花扇 (Chinese)
by Kong, Shangren
桯史 (Chinese)
by Yue, Ke
梁公九諫 (Chinese)
by An, Ping Qiu
梁公九諫 (Chinese)
by Li, Tian Yi
梁公九諫 (Chinese)
by Unknown
棋經 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Ni
楊家將 (Chinese)
by Wu, Ming Shi
楊家將 (Chinese)
by Xiong, Damu, active 16th century
楊家將 (Chinese)
by Xiong, Damu, active 16th century
by Xiong, Damu, active 16th century
樂章集 (Chinese)
by Liu, Yong, jin shi 1034
樂章集 (Chinese)
by Zhu, Zumou
歐遊雜記 (Chinese)
by Zhu, Ziqing
歡喜冤家 (Chinese)
by Xihuyuyinzhuren
歸田錄 (Chinese)
by Ouyang, Xiu
歸蓮夢 (Chinese)
by Su'anzhuren, active 18th century
殉情詩集 (Japanese)
by Sato, Haruo
by Luo, Guanzhong
殺子報 (Chinese)
by Lingyanqiaozi
比目魚 (Chinese)
by Aiyuezhuren
比目魚 (Chinese)
by Aiyuezhuren
水滸傳 (Chinese)
by Shi, Nai'an
水滸後傳 (Chinese)
by Chen, Chen
水調歌頭 (Chinese)
by Su, Shi
池北偶談 (Chinese)
by Wang, Shizhen
沉沦 (Chinese)
by Yu, Dafu
治世餘聞 (Chinese)
by Chen, Hongmo
by Sasaki, Kuni
洛神賦 (Chinese)
by Cao, Zhi
浮生六記 (Chinese)
by Shen, Fu
by Han, Bangqing
海公案 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
海公案 (Chinese)
by Li, Chunfang, active 17th century
海國春秋 (Chinese)
by Wang, Ji
海島算經 (Chinese)
by Liu, Hui, active 3rd century-4th century
海遊記 (Chinese)
by Wugenzi, active 1573
淮南子 (Chinese)
by Liu, An
清代野记 (Chinese)
by Zuoguanlaoren
滄浪詩話 (Chinese)
by Yan, Yu, active 12th century
by Crofoot, Jay William
by Rawlinson, Frank Joseph
滿江紅 (Chinese)
by Xie, Taofang
滿江紅 (Chinese)
by Yue, Fei
漢宮秋 (Chinese)
by Ma, Zhiyuan
漢書 (Chinese)
by Ban, Gu
漢書 (Chinese)
by Yan, Shigu
by Guo, Xian, active 1st century
漱玉詞 (Chinese)
by Li, Qingzhao
瀛涯勝覽 (Chinese)
by Ma, Huan, active 1414-1451
瀛涯勝覽 (Chinese)
by Ma, Huan, active 1414-1451
火星の記憶 (Japanese)
by Hayashi, Kiyotoshi
火星の記憶 (Japanese)
by Jones, Raymond F.
灵历集光 (Chinese)
by Song, Levi
灵历集光 (Chinese)
by Song, Shangjie
無聲戲 (Chinese)
by Li, Yu
燕丹子 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
燕子箋 (Chinese)
by Ruan, Dacheng
爾雅 (Chinese)
by Unknown
by Zhu, Mingshi
牡丹亭 (Chinese)
by Tang, Xianzu
by Nagai, Kafu
狂人日記 (Chinese)
by Lu, Xun
狂人日記 (Chinese)
by Lu, Xun
狄公案 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
by Zuiyueshanren, active 1804-1876
玉台新詠 (Chinese)
by Xu, Ling
玉壺淸話 (Chinese)
by Wenying, active 11th century
玉嬌梨 (Chinese)
by Tianhuazangzhuren
玉支机 (Chinese)
by Tianhuazangzhuren
玉梨魂 (Chinese)
by Xu, Zhenya
玉樓春 (Chinese)
by Baiyundaoren
玉蟾記 (Chinese)
by Tongyuanzi
玉雙魚 (Chinese)
by Tianhuazangzhuren
by Wang, Yangming
珍珠舶 (Chinese)
by Yuanhuyanshuisanren, active 17th century-18th century
琵琶記 (Chinese)
by Chen, Jiru
琵琶記 (Chinese)
by Gao, Ming
甌北詩話 (Chinese)
by Zhao, Yi
申鑒 (Chinese)
by Xun, Yue
畫圖緣 (Chinese)
by Tianhuazangzhuren
畫圖緣 (Chinese)
by Yang, Lisheng
癡人福 (Chinese)
by Mountain, Plum Rocky
by Lü, Sheng
by Lü, Sheng
白兔記 (Chinese)
by Ming, I
白圭志 (Chinese)
by Cui, Xiangchuan, active 1836
白圭志 (Chinese)
by Fu, Ling
百家姓 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
by Mushanokoji, Saneatsu
冷眼观 (Chinese)
by Wang, Junqing
瞎騙奇聞 (Chinese)
by Wu, Jianren
石點頭 (Chinese)
by Tianranchisou
禮記 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
穆天子传 (Chinese)
by Guo, Pu
竇娥冤 (Chinese)
by Guan, Hanqing
竇娥寃 (Chinese)
by Guan, Hanqing
竹書紀年 (Chinese)
by Unknown
by Yao, Yuanzhi
竹齋集 (Chinese)
by Wang, Mian
by Huangbo
管子 (Chinese)
by Guan, Zhong
by Guan, Zhong
by Guan, Zhong
粉妝樓 (Chinese)
by Luo, Guanzhong
by Luo, Guanzhong
by Luo, Guanzhong
by Luo, Guanzhong
by Luo, Guanzhong
by Luo, Guanzhong
by Luo, Guanzhong
by Luo, Guanzhong
by Luo, Guanzhong
by Luo, Guanzhong
紅樓夢 (Chinese)
by Cao, Xueqin
綠牡丹 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
續世說 (Chinese)
by Kong, Pingzhong
續子不語 (Chinese)
by Yuan, Mei
續惡魔 (Japanese)
by Tanizaki, Jun'ichiro
羅生門 (Japanese)
by Akutagawa, Ryunosuke
羹 (Japanese)
by Tanizaki, Jun'ichiro
老子 (Chinese)
by Laozi
by Lu, You
老殘遊記 (Chinese)
by Liu, E
老殘遊記 (Chinese)
by Liu, E
by Liu, E
耳食錄 (Chinese)
by Yue, Jun
聊齋志異 (Chinese)
by Pu, Songling
肉蒲團 (Chinese)
by Li, Yu
胡涂世界 (Chinese)
by Wu, Jianren
脾胃論 (Chinese)
by Li, Gao
腕くらべ (Japanese)
by Nagai, Kafu
臺灣外紀 (Chinese)
by Jiang, Risheng, active 1692
by Lian, Heng
舊唐書 (Chinese)
by Liu, Xu
花外集 (Chinese)
by Wang, Yisun
花月痕 (Chinese)
by Wei, Zi'an
花月痕 (Chinese)
by Wei, Zi'an
花間集 (Chinese)
by Zhao, Chongzuo, active 934-965
苦悶の欄 (Japanese)
by Biggers, Earl Derr
苦悶の欄 (Japanese)
by Hayashi, Kiyotoshi
茶經 (Chinese)
by Lu, Yu
茶經 (Chinese)
by Lu, Yu
荀子集解 (Chinese)
by Wang, Xianqian
by Song, Ye
菜根譚 (Chinese)
by Hong, Zicheng, active 1596
by Hong, Zicheng, active 1596
蕉葉帕 (Chinese)
by Shan, Ben
蕩寇志 (Chinese)
by Yu, Wanchun
蘇洵集 (Chinese)
by Su, Xun
蘇洵集 (Chinese)
by Xu, Ren Tu
by Yinmeishanren
虬髯客傳 (Chinese)
by Du, Guangting
蜀碧 (Chinese)
by Peng, Zunsi, jin shi 1737
蜃樓志 (Chinese)
by Yulinglaoren, active 18th century
血笑記 (Japanese)
by Andreyev, Leonid
血笑記 (Japanese)
by Futabatei, Shimei
裁判 (Japanese)
by Hayashi, Kiyotoshi
裁判 (Japanese)
by Rice, Elmer
補紅樓夢 (Chinese)
by Langhuanshanqiao, active 18th century-19th century
裨海紀遊 (Chinese)
by Yu, Yonghe, active 1691-1697
西京雜記 (Chinese)
by Ge, Hong
西京雜記 (Chinese)
by Liu, Xin
西廂記 (Chinese)
by Wang, Shifu
by Lin, Zhen
by Lin, Zhen
西湖二集 (Chinese)
by Zhou, Qingyuan, active 16th century-17th century
西湖佳話 (Chinese)
by Mo, Langzi, pseud.
西湖夢尋 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Dai
西遊記 (Chinese)
by Wu, Cheng'en
詩品 (Chinese)
by Zhong, Rong, active 502-519
詩品 (Chinese)
by Zhong, Rong, active 502-519
詩經 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
說唐 (Chinese)
by Luo, Guanzhong
說苑 (Chinese)
by Liu, Xiang
by Liu, Xiang
by Liu, Xiang
by Liu, Xiang
by Liu, Xiang
by Liu, Xiang
論衡 (Chinese)
by Wang, Chong
論語 (Chinese)
by Confucius
諧鐸 (Chinese)
by Shen, Qifeng
警世通言 (Chinese)
by Feng, Menglong
警悟鐘 (Chinese)
by Yunyangchichidaoren, active 17th century-18th century
豆棚閒話 (Chinese)
by Ainajushi
豆棚閒話 (Chinese)
by Wang, Xiumei
豐收 (Chinese)
by Ye, Zi
豔異編 (Chinese)
by Wang, Shizhen
貞觀政要 (Chinese)
by Wu, Jing
貞觀政要 (Chinese)
by Wu, Jing
負曝閒談 (Chinese)
by Quyuan
賈誼新書 (Chinese)
by Jia, Yi
轟天雷 (Chinese)
by Tenggu, Guxiang
by Xin, Qiji
近思錄 (Chinese)
by Lü, Zuqian
近思錄 (Chinese)
by Zhu, Xi
近思錄 (Chinese)
by Zhu, Xi
遊仙窟 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Zhuo
遊仙窟 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Zhuo
道德經 (Chinese)
by Laozi
郁離子 (Chinese)
by Liu, Ji
鄧析子 (Chinese)
by Deng, Xi
鄰女語 (Chinese)
by Youhuanyusheng
醉醒石 (Chinese)
by Donglugukuangsheng, active 17th century
醒世姻緣 (Chinese)
by Pu, Songling
醒世恆言 (Chinese)
by Feng, Menglong
醒夢駢言 (Chinese)
by Juqizi, active 17th century
醒夢駢言 (Chinese)
by Wang, Xiu mei
野草 (Chinese)
by Lu, Xun
by Huang, Kunshan
by Kumarajiva
金瓶梅 (Chinese)
by Xiaoxiaosheng
金石緣 (Chinese)
by Jingtianzhuren
金雲翹傳 (Chinese)
by Qingxincairen
錦香亭 (Chinese)
by Su'anzhuren, active 18th century
鏡花緣 (Chinese)
by Li, Ruzhen
鏡花緣 (Chinese)
by Li, Ruzhen
長恨歌 (Chinese)
by Bai, Juyi
長生殿 (Chinese)
by Hong, Sheng
閒情偶寄 (Chinese)
by Li, Yu
by Ji, Yun
關尹子 (Chinese)
by Yin, Xi, active 6th century B.C.
闲情偶寄 (Chinese)
by Li, Yu
阿Q正傳 (Chinese)
by Lu, Xun
陶庵夢憶 (Chinese)
by Zhang, Dai
隋唐嘉話 (Chinese)
by Liu, Su, active 742-755
隋唐演義 (Chinese)
by Chu, Renhu, active 1675-1695
隨園詩話 (Chinese)
by Yuan, Mei
雙鳳奇緣 (Chinese)
by Xueqiaozhuren
雞肋編 (Chinese)
by Zhuang, Chuo
雪月梅傳 (Chinese)
by Chen, Lang, active 18th century
雲形紋章 (Japanese)
by Falkner, John Meade
雲形紋章 (Japanese)
by Hayashi, Kiyotoshi
青樓夢 (Chinese)
by Yu, Da
青箱雜記 (Chinese)
by Wu, Chuhou, jin shi 1053
by Yang, Erzeng, active 17th century
韓詩外傳 (Chinese)
by Han, Ying, active 150 B.C.
by Han, Ying, active 150 B.C.
by Han, Ying, active 150 B.C.
by Han, Ying, active 150 B.C.
by Han, Ying, active 150 B.C.
by Han, Ying, active 150 B.C.
by Han, Ying, active 150 B.C.
韩非子 (Chinese)
by Han, Fei
顔氏家訓 (Chinese)
by Yan, Zhitui
顔氏家訓 (Chinese)
by Yan, Zhitui
顔氏家訓 (Chinese)
by Yan, Zhitui
by Yan, Zhitui
by Yan, Zhitui
by Yan, Zhitui
by Yan, Zhitui
風月夢 (Chinese)
by Hanshangmengren, active 19th century
風月鑒 (Chinese)
by Wu, Yitang, active 19 century
風流悟 (Chinese)
by Zuohuasanren
飛跎全傳 (Chinese)
by Bixian, Zou
飛龍全傳 (Chinese)
by Wu, Xuan, active 18th century
飲水詞集 (Chinese)
by Nalan, Xingde
by Wuhangyeke
高士傳 (Chinese)
by Huangfu, Mi
by Yang, Jingchang, active 18th century-19th century
鬼谷子 (Chinese)
by Guiguzi, active 4th century B.C.
鬼谷子 (Chinese)
by Guiguzi, active 4th century B.C.
by Wang, Fangqing
鶯鶯傳 (Chinese)
by Yuan, Zhen
鹽鐵論 (Chinese)
by Huan, Kuan, active 1st century B.C.
麟兒報 (Chinese)
by Anonymous
黃繡球 (Chinese)
by Yisuo
黄帝宅經 (Chinese)
by Unknown
龍川詞 (Chinese)
by Chen, Liang