Books about Short stories, American (sorted alphabetically)
Friendship Village Love Stories Zona Gale
From Headquarters: Odd Tales Picked up in the Volunteer Service James A. Frye
Frontiersmen Charles Egbert Craddock
Front Yard, and Other Italian Stories Constance Fenimore Woolson
Further E. K. Means E. K. Means
Gallegher and Other Stories Richard Harding Davis
Gaslight Sonatas Fannie Hurst
Gigolo Edna Ferber
God of His Fathers: Tales of the Klondyke Jack London
Gold Brick Brand Whitlock
Grey Roses Henry Harland
Gritny people R. Emmet Kennedy
Half-Hours with Jimmieboy John Kendrick Bangs
Hand of the Mighty, and Other Stories Vaughan Kester
Happy End Joseph Hergesheimer
Harvard episodes Charles Macomb Flandrau
Heart of the West O. Henry
Heart of the West [Annotated] O. Henry
Heimweh; The siren; The loaded gun; Liebereich; "Iupiter Tonans;" "Sis;" Thor's emerald; Guile John Luther Long
Held for Orders: Being Stories of Railroad Life Frank H. Spearman
Here and beyond Edith Wharton
Hermit and the Wild Woman, and Other Stories Edith Wharton
Hermit and the Wild Woman, and Other Stories Edith Wharton
Highland annals Olive Tilford Dargan
Homespun Tales Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin