Books about Short stories, American (sorted alphabetically)
Emperor of Elam, and other stories H. G. Dwight
Enchanted Burro Charles Fletcher Lummis
Enchantment Harold MacGrath
Episodes in Van Bibber's Life Richard Harding Davis
Eternal Feminine Carolyn Wells
eternal masculine : Stories of men and boys Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
Every Soul Hath Its Song Fannie Hurst
Exiles and Other Stories Richard Harding Davis
Fables of Field and Staff James A. Frye
Faith of Men Jack London
Fascinating Stranger, and Other Stories Booth Tarkington
Fern Leaves from Fanny's Port-folio. Second Series Fanny Fern
Fiend's Delight Ambrose Bierce
Figure in the Carpet Henry James
Flappers and Philosophers F. Scott Fitzgerald
Floating Fancies among the Weird and the Occult Clara H. Holmes
Flute and Violin, and Other Kentucky Tales and Romances James Lane Allen
Folks from Dixie Paul Laurence Dunbar
Footlights Rita Weiman
Fortunate Island, and Other Stories Charles Heber Clark
Four-Masted Cat-Boat, and Other Truthful Tales Charles Battell Loomis
Four Million O. Henry
Free, and other stories Theodore Dreiser
Fresh Leaves Fanny Fern
Friendship Village Zona Gale