Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879

Adams, John, 1857-1934

Alderman, L. R. (Lewis Raymond), 1872-1965

Aldrich, Eva

Allison, Samuel B. (Samuel Buell), 1861-1932

Alves dos Santos, Augusto Joaquim, 1866-1924

American Institute of Child Life


Arnold, Sarah Louise, 1859-1943

Bagley, William C. (William Chandler), 1874-1946

Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin, 1875-1961

Baker, James H. (James Hutchins), 1848-1925


See: Verney, Luís António, 1713-1792

Bateman, Reginald, 1884?-1918

Bates, Loïs

Beale, Dorothea, 1831-1906

Beery, Ray Coppock, 1892-1979

Benda, Wladyslaw T. (Wladyslaw Theodore), 1873-1948

Benson, Arthur Christopher, 1862-1925

Betts, George Herbert, 1868-1934

Bigongiari, Dino, 1879-1965

Binet, Alfred, 1857-1911

Blakely, Gilbert Sykes, 1865?-1925

Bleyer, Willard Grosvenor, 1873-1935

Borst, Sara Cone Bryant

See: Bryant, Sara Cone, 1873-1956

Boston (Mass.). School Committee

Bourne, Randolph Silliman, 1886-1918

Boutwell, George S. (George Sewall), 1818-1905

Brackett, Anna C. (Anna Callender), 1836-1911

Bramwell, Amy Blanche

Bridgman, L. J. (Lewis Jesse), 1857-1931

Briscoe, Walter A. (Walter Alwyn), 1878-1934

Browne, G. F. (George Forrest), 1833-1930

Brown, Frederic Kenyon, 1882-1970

Brown, Henry W.

Brumbaugh, Martin Grove, 1862-1930

Bryant, Sara Cone, 1873-1956

Bryce, Catherine T. (Catherine Turner), 1871-1951

Bulkley, M. E. (Mildred Emily), 1881-1958

Butler, Nicholas Murray, 1862-1947

Canfield, Dorothy

See: Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958

Carr, Christopher

See: Benson, Arthur Christopher, 1862-1925

Carter, Raymond

Cather, Katherine Dunlap, 1877-1926

Chew, Tobias O. (Tobias Otterbein), 1885-

Christie, Alice Julia

See: Dillon, Alice Christie, 1876-

Clark, S. H. (Solomon Henry), 1861-1927

Clemens, Samuel Langhorne

See: Twain, Mark, 1835-1910

Coe, Ida

Cohen de Vries, P. J.

Cole, Thomas R. (Thomas Raymond), 1881-1970

Cooper, Clayton Sedgwick, 1869-1936

Cooper, Frederic Taber, 1864-1937

Corday, Michel, 1870-1937

Cowles, Julia Darrow, 1862-1919

Croce, Benedetto, 1866-1952

Cubberley, Ellwood Patterson, 1868-1941

De Garmo, Charles, 1849-1934

Dell, Floyd, 1887-1969

Dewey, Evelyn, 1889-

Dewey, John, 1859-1952

Dillon, Alice Christie, 1876-

Dove, J. F. (Jane Frances), 1847-1942

Draper, A. S. (Andrew Sloan), 1848-1913

Edgeworth, Maria, 1768-1849

Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, 1744-1817


See: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879

Evans, George Fullerton, 1881-1963

Ferreira, António Aurélio da Costa, 1879-1922

Finn, Elizabeth Anne McCaul, 1825-1921

Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958

Forbush, William Byron, 1868-1927

Franklin, William S. (William Suddards), 1863-1930

Fröbel, Friedrich, 1782-1852

Froebel, Friedrich Wilhelm August

See: Fröbel, Friedrich, 1782-1852

Gall, James, 1784?-1874

Garmo, Charles De

See: De Garmo, Charles, 1849-1934

Gentile, Giovanni, 1875-1944

George, Anne E., 1882-

Gorst, Harold Edward, 1868-1950

Griffin, Caroline Stearns, 1868-

Hahl, Jalmari, 1869-1929

Hall, Benjamin Homer, 1830-1893

Hall, G. Stanley (Granville Stanley), 1844-1924

Ham, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1831-1902

Hardy, Charles

Harris, William Torrey, 1835-1909

Hart, John S. (John Seely), 1810-1877

Hément, Félix, 1827-1891

Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841

Hiles, Leta Severance

Hill, Carolyn Sherwin Bailey

See: Bailey, Carolyn Sherwin, 1875-1961

Holmes, Edmond, 1850-1936

Holmes, Henry W. (Henry Wyman), 1880-1960

How, F. D. (Frederick Douglas), 1853-1936

Hughes, H. Millicent, 1863-1942

Hughes, Thomas, 1849-1939

Hunt, Jean Lee

Ingerson, Frank, 1879-1968

Jackson-Wrigley, M. (Maurice), 1886-1972

James, William, 1842-1910

Judd, Charles Hubbard, 1873-1946

Kallom, Arthur W.

Kelley, Truman Lee, 1884-1961

Kellner, Lorenz, 1811-1892

Kennedy, J. M. (John McFarland)

Kennedy, Joseph, 1858-1937

Key, Ellen, 1849-1926

Keyes, Angela M. (Angela Mary)

Kitson, Harry Dexter, 1886-1959

Klapper, Paul, 1885-1952

Klatt, Fritz, 1888-1945

Kready, Laura Fry, 1874-

Lange, Alexis Frederick, 1862-1924

Lehtonen, J. V. (Johannes Vihtori), 1883-1948

Le Row, Caroline B. (Caroline Bigelow), 1843-

Levy, Oscar, 1867-1946

Ligthart, Jan, 1859-1916

Lilius, Hjalmar Filip, 1858-1918

Livingston, Arthur, 1883-1944

Locke, John, 1632-1704

Loon, Hendrik Willem Van

See: Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, 1882-1944

Lyttelton, Edward, Hon., 1855-1942

Macbeth, Ann

MacClintock, Porter Lander, 1873-1939

Mackenzie, Millicent Hughes

See: Hughes, H. Millicent, 1863-1942

Manning, E. (Elizabeth) Adelaide, 1828-1905

Mann, Mary Tyler Peabody, 1806-1887


See: Abbott, Jacob, 1803-1879

Mason, Charlotte M. (Charlotte Maria), 1842-1923

Mastigophoro, Gelaste

See: Verney, Luís António, 1713-1792

McCaul, Elizabeth

See: Finn, Elizabeth Anne McCaul, 1825-1921

McDonald, J. Daley (James Daley), 1892-

McGaw, Virginia

McMurry, Charles A. (Charles Alexander), 1857-1929

McMurry, Frank M. (Frank Morton), 1862-1936

Merrill, Frank T., 1848-1923

Michaelis, Emilie

Miller, E. P., Mrs., 1831-

Mitchell, Lucy Sprague, 1878-1967

Monroe, W. S. (Will Seymour), 1863-1939

Montessori, Maria, 1870-1952

Moore, Henry Keatley, 1846-

Mulcaster, Richard, 1530?-1611

Murray, E. R. (Elsie Riach), 1861-1932

Nearing, Scott, 1883-1983

Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900

Norsworthy, Naomi, 1877-1916

Novák, Jan Václav, 1853-1920

Oakland (Calif.). Board of Education

O'Brien, F. P., 1885-

Oliphant, James, 1855-1921

Ontario. Department of Education

Osborn, Henry Fairfield, 1857-1935

Osler, William, Sir, 1849-1919

Palmer, Alice Freeman, 1855-1902

Palmer, George Herbert, 1842-1933

Parker, Gilbert, 1862-1932

Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer, 1804-1894

Peabody, Mary T. (Mary Tyler)

See: Mann, Mary Tyler Peabody, 1806-1887

Pearson, Francis B. (Francis Bail), 1853-1938

Perdue, H. Avis (Hannah Avis), 1858-

Philomuso, Apolonio

See: Verney, Luís António, 1713-1792

Platter, Thomas, 1499-1582

Poulsson, Emilie, 1853-1939

Preyer, William T., 1841-1897

Priddy, Al

See: Brown, Frederic Kenyon, 1882-1970

Prüfer, Johannes, 1882-1947

Pyle, William Henry, 1875-1946

Quick, Robert Hebert, 1831-1891

Riddle, Carl Brown

Riggs, Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin

See: Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923

Roberts, R. D., 1851-1911

Rosenkranz, Karl, 1805-1879

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778

Row, Caroline B. (Caroline Bigelow le)

See: Le Row, Caroline B. (Caroline Bigelow), 1843-

Ruch, G. M. (Giles Murrel), 1892-1943

Ruediger, William Carl, 1874-

Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970

Salzmann, Christian Gotthilf, 1744-1811

Sanches, António Nunes Ribeiro, 1699-1783

Sanders, Thomas E., 1868-

Sands, Nathaniel

Santos, Augusto Joaquim Alves dos

See: Alves dos Santos, Augusto Joaquim, 1866-1924

Schaeffer, Nathan Christ, 1849-1919

Schöpflin, Aladár, 1872-1950

Shedlock, Marie L., 1854-1935

Sherman, Frank J. (Frank James), 1874-1945

Shinn, Milicent Washburn, 1858-1940

Sidis, Boris, 1867-1923

Siebe, Josephine, 1870-1941

Sly, William James, 1867-1940

Smith, Henrietta Brown, 1868-

Smith, Kate Douglas

See: Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923

Smith, Nora Archibald, 1859-1934

Smith, William Hawley, 1845-1922

Soulsby, Lucy Helen Muriel, 1856-1927

Spalding, John Lancaster, 1840-1916

Steeg, Jules, 1836-1898

Strayer, George D. (George Drayton), 1876-1962

Sully, James, 1842-1923

Summers, Maud

Suzzallo, Henry, 1875-1933

Swain, George Fillmore, 1857-1931

Tarbell, H. S. (Horace Sumner), 1838-1904

Tawney, R. H. (Richard Henry), 1880-1962

Teixeira-Gamboa, Antonium

See: Verney, Luís António, 1713-1792

Terman, Lewis M. (Lewis Madison), 1877-1956

Thomas, M. Carey (Martha Carey), 1857-1935

Thwing, Charles Franklin, 1853-1937

Trumbull, H. Clay (Henry Clay), 1830-1903

Twain, Mark, 1835-1910

Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, 1882-1944


Velimirović, Nikolaj, 1880-1956

Verney, Luís António, 1713-1792

Vries, P. J. Cohen de

See: Cohen de Vries, P. J.

Walsh, James J. (James Joseph), 1865-1942

Washburne, Marion Foster, 1863-

White, Ellen Gould Harmon, 1827-1915

Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, 1856-1923

Wilderspin, Samuel, 1791-1866

Wilson, J. M. (James Maurice), 1836-1931

Worthington, Eleanor

Wrigley, Maurice Jackson

See: Jackson-Wrigley, M. (Maurice), 1886-1972

Wyche, Richard Thomas

Велимировић, Николај

See: Velimirović, Nikolaj, 1880-1956